I've recently been doing a lot of Family History work (I caught the bug), and have been amazed with how wide and deep family lines go. It's kind of like an hour glass with our present self at the narrow neck connecting the two larger glass tubes, with our ancestor lines coming deep and wide from the top, filtering down through us, to our posterity through the bottom, going deep and wide.
It is sobering to consider the importance our personal current-day link plays in linking our past family with our future family. Hopefully we are not the "weakest link," but doing much to leave a legacy our progenitors, as well as our ancestors, would be proud of.
Another thought to consider -- just what ancestral genes and DNA do we have flowing through our veins. We know that we are all related back to Adam and Eve, but who in between are we related to, and what hereditive characteristics have been handed down to us from our ancestors. The thoughts of being tied to important historical individuals, makes one think about how well we are doing with what has been given to us, and what we will be passing on to the generations after us.
For me, I'm still working on it...
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