A year ago, as we entered 2009, the world was frightened and scared with the future, given the dismal economic conditions then. But somehow we pulled through this year, even though the monetary stimulus funds that the US government pumped into the economy were a "robbed Peter to pay Paul" scenario, it still gave us hope to move forward. Time will tell how it plays out in the long run.
I think I relearned an eternal principal this past year--no matter how devalued everything around you becomes, I can still find great value in my family. I have the greatest family in the world.

From a wonderful wife who is totally unselfish and knows the true meaning of Christ-like love, to children who uphold high standards of honesty and decency.
Although they each had their own challenges this year, they all came through it with a high degree of integrity. When I grow up, I want to be just like them.
So, looking forward to another 365 days in 2010, I am renewed with a certain degree of optimism. There are several goals I would like to accomplish, number one being, becoming a better person to serve my family and mankind. This world is so full of selfish and prideful people, my hope is to do my part to counter-balance the scale with my portion, to the side of decency. My aim is to follow the teachings of Christ, and do unto others as He would do.
My second goal, since I have been given much, is to give back to society, especially to my brothers and sisters who struggle in Third World Countries to survive. Their need for clean water and proper sanitation is a daily challenge. Through the newly formed organization of HIT Humanitarian, and our efforts to raise funds, will be a primary focus to meeting this goal.

I have many other goals, but they all seem to be less important than my top two, so I will not belabor the time of listing them here.
I do want to thank all of you who strive to be good people. Together we can change the current paradigm of today's civility.
Have a great year!
I love you Dad! I want to be like you when I grow up. It is amazing how we have all made it through this past year even with all the trails we have faced. Hopefully this next year will be even better.
Thanks TreeBee. We have a lot to be grateful for.
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