Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Touched by Heaven

Our daughter Teresa, and her husband Quin, were blessed with a Down's Syndrome baby girl, by the name of Sienna. She was delivered early and was stillborn. It has been an emotional several months, no knowing if this little girl was going to make it. She was a fighter, hanging on longer than the doctors thought.

This morning she was born, but not alive. She had fought the good fight but returned early to her Heavenly Father. We were able to hold her.

Her memorial graveside services will be held this Friday.

Thanks Sienna for giving us hope and faith. We'll see you in the next life.

Love, Grandpa Stone


Unknown said...

Dad this is beautiful! Thank you for being there for us!!

Derrell Mangum said...

What a beautiful presentation. I could feel some hurt and pain as I read it. My parents had 2 stillborn children (before my teen years) and now I know a very small portion of what they went through. Thanks for the sentiment.