Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Twas the day before Christmas...

Twas the day before Christmas,
When all through our place.

Penny was cleaning the house
And Jen washing her face.

All the tables were set
With the utmost care.

Brad was practicing his guitar
For the talent show affair.

When over at the Anderson's
There arose such a clatter.

They weren't quite sure
What was the matter.

The noise was coming
From the old suburban tank.

It was on its last leg
It was a transmission noise clank.

The moon was a showing
At the Chad household.

As his hand was a hurting
In the hand-casting mold.

Then there was Becca and Jared
With their shovels and sand.

Keeping their sidewalks clear
For their tenants at hand.

Over at the Farmer's abode
They were lively and quick.

Looking forward to meet
The old guy called St Nick.

Well, this poem is getting long
And I'm losing my sight.

So I'll say Merry Christmas to all
And to all a good night.


Unknown said...

That is cute!!! I am way excited for tonight and to see your talent!

anderson strong and growing said...

I think that you already displayed your talent. What a fun poem! we are looking forward to all the fun and excitement tonight. Thank you for all you and mom do for our families! We love you. Merry Christmas.