It all started many years ago when I met the girl of my dreams. It was my first day of work at Castleton's, a retail clothing store at the University Mall in Orem. As the store manager took me around to meet all the store employees, the moment I was introduced to Penny, I was on fire from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. Nine days later we were engaged.
The rest is history. Five beautiful children, all of whom are living exemplified lives. When I grow up I want to be just like them.

Sarah: From the moment she was born, Sarah has always been a mover and a shaker. All through Elementary school she would stand up to protect her brother Chad, and let her teachers know how they should run their classes. She has grown into a beautiful woman and awesome mother and wife.

Chad: Was so dang cute and funny as a little boy, that he made it difficult for people sitting behind us in church to concentrate on the meeting. He would stand up on the church bench facing the people behind us and pull faces. He kept them entertained all meeting long. He is now a very dashing and handsome young man, one who turns heads when he enters a room.

Becca: Loved to eat as a little girl. One early morning, Penny and I heard the outside water running in the backyard. As we went to discover the cause, we found 3 year old Becca. She had gotten into the food and had eaten an entire plate of brownies and was trying to hose off the evidence. Becca is now a beautiful and very dependable woman. She has such a deep conviction for the gospel and loves to help others.

Teresa: Was our happy child. She was always happy and smiling. She was also very talented with her eyebrows. At a very early age she would entertain us for hours on end by moving her eyebrows up and down, at the same time maintaining a perfectly pleasing smile. Teresa has also grown into a very beautiful woman, mother and wife. She is a wonderful example of motherhood, nurturing her two children, Quin and Gavin. Gavin by the way, seems to have acquired Teresa's trait for smiling.

Jennica: Our little "Princess and Puppy." She earned the name of "Puppy" from me. When she first learned to walk, she would follow daddy all over the house, just like a little puppy. At an early age, Jennica decided to give herself a haircut and cut away all her bangs. She looked kind of odd for a few months until it grew back. Jennica has always been our little princess, never doing anything wrong. I know this has drawn criticism from her siblings, but to this day, I still can't think of one single thing she has ever done wrong. Every day her beauty grows inside and out.
I probably sound like a cheesy father and husband, but I must admit I have a pretty awesome family. Our time spent together as a family is full of laughs and moments of endearing gratitude for each other.
I love you all!
Happy Valentines
Thanks Dad that was a great Valentines present! We all love you too and are grateful for your example. You and Mom made a wonderful home for us to grow up in. We had a thriving, loving, and playful home. Thank you for preparing us for the lessons of life. Happy Valentines!
Dad you are the best. That was so nice of you. I agree with Sarah you guys have raised us up so well and if it wasn't for you guys we wouldn't be as good as we are. We love you and thanks for being such a great example.
I would have to agree, the Stones are a very excellent bunch! I was a " small part" of that little family for a few years and I love you all! I wish I knew the youngest two more, but I have great memories with you older kids!
I have also learned to cook.
Ask your mom about that! : )
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